A 9 month hiatus, and a brand new baby!

After a 9 month hiatus, I’m back!! I’ve been growing a new baby it seems..

Friends and family will know where I’ve been, but for the rest of you, here’s a little update! (quick clue- I haven’t actually had another baby)

Some issues with our childcare funding (read.. 2 days at nursery per week costs more than they pay student midwives..) meant I sadly had to step off my midwifery course for a short while at the beginning of the year. Bitterness aside, it appears to have been a blessing in disguise, and I’ve been on one hell of a journey since then!

It had always been part of the grand plan, since using hypnobirthing with the birth of Otis, to set up a business teaching hypnobirthing alongside working for the NHS- it just so happens that this part of the plan came sooner than expected! I completed my hypnobirthing training at the beginning of the year and shortly afterwards, my new baby ‘Positively Birthing‘ was born.

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Using my knowledge from my midwifery degree and my new hypnobirthing training, I have developed a comprehensive antenatal course, providing women and their birth partners with evidence based information and a toolkit of techniques to use during labour. In six short months the business has gone from strength to strength and I’m already seeing families reap the rewards and achieving their positive birth experiences (whatever that looks like for them). Not only that, but I have launched new social media platforms sharing all this information with mums much further afield than Surrey and host a busy and engaged facebook group The Positively Birthing Space. Being able to reach as many women as possible makes me all kind of happy!

I’m really excited to add another aspect to Oatcake Adventures, a blog that started just as a new Mama navigating the world of babyhood! So keep following for updates of self employed life, the ever elusive balance of work, play and motherhood, reviews and the inner workings of a sleep-deprived Mama’s mind!

You can follow Positively Birthing here!



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